viernes, 21 de abril de 2017

MASTERS DEL UNIVERSO: SERIE 1 - Congost/Mattel España (1984)

Recientemente, un compañero coleccionista que está escribiendo un artículo para una revista sobre los primeros años de la franquicia Masters del Universo, me solicitaba una imagen de la parte trasera del blíster de los comúnmente denominados '8 back', es decir, los primeros ocho personajes comercializados por Mattel originalmente en 1982: He-Man, Teela, Man-At-Arms, Stratos, Mer-Man, Skeletor, Beast Man y Zodac.

Pues bien, aprovechando la ocasión, muestro aquí la trasera del cartón donde vemos a estos ocho históricos iconos del universo de las figuras de acción articuladas, puestos a la venta por primera vez en España en marzo de 1984. Además, al tratarse de un cartón español, junto al logo de Mattel se encuentra el logotipo comercial de Congost, la que fue filial española del fabricante norteamericano en nuestro país.

10 comentarios:

  1. Do you have any knowledge on the following subject?

    Great, comprehensive blog regarding Masters del Universo, thanks for sharing.

    1. Masters of the Universe toys sold in Portugal were only the Spanish. In fact, the blisters of the last Spanish series (1989) are written in Spanish and Portuguese.

      Due to Portugal's proximity to Spain, Mattel Spain distributed the Masters of the Universe in Portugal, but the blisters were the same. In other words, in Portugal only Spanish blisters were officially sold.

      Thanks for your words! :-)

  2. Makes sense, I definitely remember the Masters del Universo packing, just wondered if the Euro variation was also made available given the large amount of Mattel France stamps that could be found on figures and accessories that were sold in Portugal.
    But I understand that the moldes were highly mobile due product’s high demand, so I suppose it’s plausible.
    Either way, Mattel (apparently Spain) was the supplier but not the distributor. In Portugal, Mattel was officially represented and distributed by a company called Concentra, which I suppose didn’t add much to the final product besides marketing and publicity.

    Once again, thanks for sharing.

    1. You have defined everything perfectly. I also think it was as you describe it. Yes, I know the company Concentra. I live in Badajoz, a border city with Portugal, and I often travel there frequently. ;-)

      Incidentally, I recently published, along with three other collectors, the book titled ¡YO TENGO EL PODER! La historia de los Masters del Universo en España. In this post you can read more information:

      Thanks for your interest in my blog. :-)

  3. Just glanced through the book, seems to be almost encyclopaedic. Impressive research work.
    It stops at 1986 though, isn’t there any list to be found that covers all the Mattel original series items that were in fact released in Spain/Portugal? For instance, did any of the 2 or 3-pack gift sets were made available?

    I also wonder, being Mattel Spain the supplier, do you have any ideia if the product release was made simultaneously and by the same order in both countries? I can for exemple confirm a Portuguese Thunder Punch - Puño de Trueno presence, circa late 1986, early 1987 at most.

    1. Yes, it is a historical book. A research work of more than two years. It covers the years 1984, 1985 and 1986. Due to some circumstances, I don't think a second volume will be published.

      The book only deals about history in Spain, nothing is said about Portugal.

      About Mattel's double and triple packs and giftsets, these were never commercialized in Spain and neither with Portugal.

      I don't know how the launch was in Portugal, since I don't know if it followed the same timeline as in Spain, although I suppose it must have been very similar.

  4. Hopefully those circumstances could change, I was curious about the 1987-1989 period factual information.
    For example, apparently Mossman and He-man Puño de Trueno weren’t released until 1987 since they were omitted from he book, yet they apear in the 1986 mini catalog. Confusing.

    Also, while going through the book reviews from the link that you provided, I bumped into the page that’s focused on Josman, s.l. merchandise, particularly on the Espada Luminosa details.
    I own a MOTU Tudor sword, and never managed to find anything regarding this particular version, my sword was bought in Portugal circa 1986, measures 61cm, have a light green blade, a blue grip with a small Tudor logo engraved and a slightly distinct guard connection when compared to the HG toys ones.
    I also have this recollection that back in the day when switched on, besides the light it had some sort of sound feature, but could be just my imagination.
    Could this be the sword mentioned in the book? I didn’t quite understood when it states “…que en España finalmente, se comercializo con un mango fabricado por la empresa tudor.”.
    That means that primarily a Tudor - MOTU/HG Toys collaboration took place, or Tudor just served as Josman’s lighting part manufacturer until the latter had its own molde?

    And since Portugal had its own Tudor (Sociedade Portuguesa do Acumulador Tudor) as well, I wonder if this sword isn’t another variation, a Portuguese one (probably not, but…).
    Do you have any more details regarding the Tudor version referenced in the book?

    1. About the year of the catalog, if 1986 appears, it is because that year was published, but it was not commercialized until 1987.

      In relation to the sword of Tudor, I can only tell you what appears in the book. I have no more details, sorry.

  5. Sorry for the double post, the first one had a couple errors and I intended to change it for a revised one, unsuccessfully though, since you kept the former.

    OK, back to the attic’s trunk.
    Thanks for helping me out with my quarantine nerdish doubts.

    Stay safe.

    1. Ok, don't worry. But if you want, I can send you the second post and you send again. Then, I would delete the first one. In this case, you would have to tell me your email.

